As Bunge Gıda, we have adopted the following as our corporate culture.

BUNGE GIDA  SANAYİ ve TİCARET A.Ş. has adopted the following as its corporate culture,  

  • Ensure consumer safety and customer satisfaction at maximum level,
  • Produce products which fully satisfy expectations of customers and consumers and which will be consumed safely in accordance with food legislations and laws,
  • Ensure food safety traceability thoroughly from all stages of production process to the consumers,
  • Optimize all of our processes and activities in terms of efficiency and effectiveness and create value through training programs and team work,
  • Operate in full compliance with all legal requirements such as occupational safety, food safety, seed safety and environmental safety, which are applicable to our products, services and processes,
  • Improve our products, processes and businesses continuously according to national and international legislation and offer healthy and quality products to our consumers
  • Update and transfer information to the system on food safety throughout the food chain,
  • Improve and develope on a continuous basis.

FSSC 22000:2011

ISO 22000

ISO 14001

Safety Policy

Environment Policy

GDO Policy

Food Safety Policy

Halal Certificate

Kosher Certificate

Sunflower Oil TSI Certificate

Corn Oil TSI Certificate

Canola Oil TSI Certificate

Energy Policy

Kollektif Dijital Ajans